ムスリム生徒を外に出したあとの教室でムハンマド風刺画で表現の自由を教えた先生が、首を切断される(写真) フランス 犯人はチェチェン人
Pictured: Teacher who was beheaded by Islamist terrorist for showing his class Charlie Hebdo's cartoons of Mohammed - after one Muslim pupil complained to her parents and sparked community outrage
French teacher beheaded by suspected Islamist terrorist for showing Prophet Mohammed has been named
Samuel Paty, 47, had received threats before he was stabbed and beheaded by Chechen gunman Aboulakh A
Muslim parents took offence at Mr Paty's decision to show his class cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed
47-year-old had invited Muslim students to leave room before he showed caricatures 'in respect'
One Muslim girl had stayed behind by mistake and later told her parents that she was shown cartoon
Parent made legal complaint to school in northern Paris and branded teacher a 'thug' in an online video
The video was posted to Twitter and shared by a Paris mosque among others days before the attack
Killing occurred in Conflans-Saint-Honorine, 25 miles from the city centre, before a police chase ensued
Nine people have been arrested, including two parents who disapproved of showing Prophet cartoons
Emmanuel Macron denounced the killing and described incident as an attack against free expression
By Peter Allen In Paris and Jack Wright and Chris Jewers For Mailonline
Published: 17:42 BST, 16 October 202