トランプ大統領夫妻がコロナ感染 ネット民「死ねばいいのに」 ロシア「ロシア製ワクチンをどうぞ」(笑)
10/2(金) 18:40
【10月2日 AFP】ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)米大統領は2日未明、新型コロナウイルス検査で自身とメラニア(Melania Trump)夫人に陽性反応が出たことを明らかにした。大統領選の選挙戦終盤で、予定されていた集会の開催中止など選挙運動への影響は避けらない見通しだ。
Leftists Celebrate Trump Covid Diagnosis
CNN wonders who is going to take over as President
2 October, 2020
Steve Watson
full offense I hope donald trump dies
— ☭ alejas tejas ☭ (@AlexisMarieYo) October 2, 2020
I guess this means I need to hope harder Trump dies slowly and painfully. https://t.co/ta1i6qd05O
— AndrewC (@AndrewC_82) October 2, 2020
Damn I hope Trump dies from COVID
— Stewart Mitchell (@StewjumMitchell) October 2, 2020
I hope you get a mutation of the virus that makes your anus fall off
— Cam (@cameron_kasky) October 2, 2020
The very upset people on the right coming after me for addressing how delicious it is that Trump has corona virus are realllly ignoring the other several million now that their special little guy has it. At least they take it seriously for SOMEBODY
— Cam (@cameron_kasky) October 2, 2020
Sick https://t.co/TC05DhGSYc
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 2, 2020
He had it comin’, he had it comin’. 🎶 #TrumpHasCovid pic.twitter.com/5NWwboQ69h
— Rob Gill (@vote4robgill) October 2, 2020
what a great way to start october #TrumpHasCovid pic.twitter.com/SomHU98xY8
— chloe クロエ (@notchIoee) October 2, 2020
party in the usa !!!! #TrumpHasCovid pic.twitter.com/pDVpoohQuy
— nathan 𐐪𐑂 walex au (@pixiewiIIie) October 2, 2020
Trump positivo al COVID-19: istituto russo Gamaleya pronto ad aiutare con vaccino Sputnik V
12:04 02.10.2020
10/2(金) 18:40
【10月2日 AFP】ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)米大統領は2日未明、新型コロナウイルス検査で自身とメラニア(Melania Trump)夫人に陽性反応が出たことを明らかにした。大統領選の選挙戦終盤で、予定されていた集会の開催中止など選挙運動への影響は避けらない見通しだ。
Leftists Celebrate Trump Covid Diagnosis
CNN wonders who is going to take over as President
2 October, 2020
Steve Watson
full offense I hope donald trump dies
— ☭ alejas tejas ☭ (@AlexisMarieYo) October 2, 2020
I guess this means I need to hope harder Trump dies slowly and painfully. https://t.co/ta1i6qd05O
— AndrewC (@AndrewC_82) October 2, 2020
Damn I hope Trump dies from COVID
— Stewart Mitchell (@StewjumMitchell) October 2, 2020
I hope you get a mutation of the virus that makes your anus fall off
— Cam (@cameron_kasky) October 2, 2020
The very upset people on the right coming after me for addressing how delicious it is that Trump has corona virus are realllly ignoring the other several million now that their special little guy has it. At least they take it seriously for SOMEBODY
— Cam (@cameron_kasky) October 2, 2020
Sick https://t.co/TC05DhGSYc
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 2, 2020
He had it comin’, he had it comin’. 🎶 #TrumpHasCovid pic.twitter.com/5NWwboQ69h
— Rob Gill (@vote4robgill) October 2, 2020
what a great way to start october #TrumpHasCovid pic.twitter.com/SomHU98xY8
— chloe クロエ (@notchIoee) October 2, 2020
party in the usa !!!! #TrumpHasCovid pic.twitter.com/pDVpoohQuy
— nathan 𐐪𐑂 walex au (@pixiewiIIie) October 2, 2020
Trump positivo al COVID-19: istituto russo Gamaleya pronto ad aiutare con vaccino Sputnik V
12:04 02.10.2020